Scenario Planning Workshops

Build your competitive advantage by gaining perspectives that reflect the diversity of the patient populations you serve 

The value of a multidisciplinary scenario-planning exercise is to focus enough brainpower on your company’s key competitors that we can deduce their most likely strategies and form robust counter-strategies

At Brass Tacks, we have found that the most effective way to do this is by cultivating an inclusive team culture

When team members feel comfortable asking questions in front of their colleagues, and feel connected to one another, they are able to contribute authentically.  Organizations that establish an inclusive culture are more likely to be high-performing, innovative, and agile, and more likely to achieve better business outcomes. 



As your workshop facilitators, we bring a comprehensive grasp of your competitive landscape, and the skills to teach that information to a diverse group of learners

The cross-functional alignment that emerges will increase the sense of belonging to the purpose and mission of your business, and to the overarching goal of what your team's success will mean for patients. 

 Learn more about our approach to scenario planning