Case Study: Informing a Market Model with a Concise Competitive Overview

Learn how BTH guided a client in developing a robust revenue model.

Situation: An early-stage company seeking non-dilutive financing needed a revenue model for their grant applications and a couple high-level competitive landscape slides for their board meeting

Task: Concisely articulate the competitive landscape framed around this client’s projected launch time and key differentiating features


  • Summarize the treatment paradigm and emerging trends for the client’s lead indication

  • Identify all relevant active studies and curate these to highlight frontrunners and key competitors

  • Establish key trial timelines, to project the most likely competitive landscape at launch

  • Integrate these findings into a concise market model with a well-justified market penetration rate and clear value proposition

Result: The client submitted a competitive grant application with a concise, defendable revenue model and won non-dilutive financing. They also established confidence with board members, enabling productive board meeting discussions around their differentiating attributes and competitive strategy. The client expanded their engagement with BTH to receive updates in line with quarterly board meetings.


Case Study: Accelerating the BLA Filing Timeline


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